Trying to find your way, want to learn how to customize your map, or have a general question? Scroll down to find the answer! If you don’t find it here contact us at maps@kartamaps.com and we’ll help get you on your way.
Design your map with our Map Builder (± 5 Minutes)
Generate a PDF Proof Immediately before you order. Approve proof and add to cart, or return to map builder and edit (± 3 Minutes)
When we receive your order we’ll print and ship for free (± 3 Days)
You Design your map using our FREE Interactive Map Builder. Your design options will show on the left and a view of your map on the right. As you choose your options and features you'll see your features dynamically update on screen in front of you so there's no guessing what you’re going to get.
Others have tried to copy our Map Builder, but with theirs all you can do is choose your area of interest and then leave it up to them to spend days making your map after you’ve already paid and before you even know what it’s going to look like. Ours is the only one that has these features:
Zoom or pan to set the extents of your map to exactly where you want.
Adjust the 3D terrain shading to your liking.
Choose between 15 different basemap styles, including 2 satellite photo variations.
Set fixed map scales.
Add Acreage, Lat-Long, UTM, or MGRS navigational grids.
Add markers, icons, and labels anywhere on the map with a click.
Draw property boundaries, areas or lines.
Overlay game management unit boundaries.
Import your GPX or KML data files from your GPS, Google Earth, OnX or Phone Apps.
Review a a detailed proof of exactly what your getting within minutes before you buy.
Share your map with a friend or have it emailed to you for later.
Check it out, we invite you to play around as much as you like before ever having to buy, sign up, or sit around for a week waiting for your proof to be emailed to you.
On the Map Builder, you can click the "GENERATE FREE MAP PROOF" button at any time. A proof will be generated in minutes for you to review. If you approve, you can add to cart, or you can return to map builder where you left off and keep editing. You can generate as many proofs as you want before ever having to buy.
Yes, our Map Builder does have the ability to add the features you want. In fact that's why our map builder is unlike anything else out there. You can customize your map as much as you want using our extensive options of locations, basemaps, map types, page sizes, scales, overlays, markers, labels, grids and more. We put you in control so you make it the way you want, not some cartographer trying to guess what you want your map to look like.
You can also do that! Under 'Custom Features' on our Map Builder there is an option to add .GPX, .KML, or GEOJSON files to your map. Simply export and save your data out of your GPS, Google Earth or favorite app to a .gpx or .kml to file on your computer. Select the "Import KML / GPX / GEOJSON" button our map builder and select the file from your computer. Your geo-located data will drop right on the map in the right place and be added to the features list. From there you can re-style the colors, line types, text and icons using our features library.
If you’re not so good with computers and looking for something simple like a game unit map, give us a call and we can get you on your way. For more unique, customized projects where you need specialized cartography or graphic design - shoot us an email and describe your project. We'll get back to you with a customized quote.
Our Map Builder displays your price at the bottom and will adjust based on your size and basemap selection. Customized features and overlays are always FREE and will never affect your price.
Our Map Builder lets you choose the size of the map that fits your area of interest and budget. You can choose whether they are lanscape or portrait. Here are the options:
All Purpose Map Type: 15"x22", 20"x30", 30"x45", 40"x60"
Outdoor Map Type: 15"x22", 20"x30", 30"x45", 40"x60"
Dry Erase Map Type: 15"x22", 20"x30", 30"x45", 40"x60"
Map Mural: You Decide, Enter Your Size! Learn More Here.
Custom Sizes
Have a special project in mind? We can print nearly any size you can imagine. Individual sheets can be printed up to 48 inches x 96 inches in size. Want to make mural out of it, several sheets can be tiled together and installed as a mural. Visit our Map Murals page to get started with an order.
Yes! You can use the following dry erase products on our maps:
All Purpose Map Type: Dry Erase Crayon
Outdoor Map Type: Dry Erase Crayon
Dry Erase Map Type: Dry Erase Marker, or Crayon
Dry Erase Tips
- Use a microfiber cloth to wipe off dry erase markups while still relatively fresh.
- Use a wet cloth or paper towel to wipe off dry erase markups that have been on the map for awhile and dried.
- Keep in mind that if your map gets wet, your markups may get wiped off. If wanting to mark up your map for hardcore field use, we recommend adding features and labels from our map builder so they are printed on. Alternatively, use a permanent marker … which will be permanent.
We sure do! As a huge advocate of public lands, we've made it a point to help you find them. With select basemaps, public lands boundaries are displayed and printed on your map.
Atlas Series Public Lands Basemaps
Our Atlas Public Lands and Forest Public Lands maps show clearly delineated and beautifully styled boundaries between private, US Forest Service, BLM, State, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclaimation, and Bureau of Indian Affairs Lands throughout the western US.
Forest Series Public Lands Basemaps
Utilizing the same data as the Atlas Series, our Forest Public Lands maps show clearly delineated and beautifully styled boundaries between private, US Forest Service, BLM, State, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclaimation, and Bureau of Indian Affairs Lands throughout the western US.
Classic Series Basemaps
Many of our Classic Series basemaps, including the USGS and Forest Service variations, show the delineations of public lands throughout the US.
International Series Basemaps
Much like the Classic Series, Canada's Canmatrix maps (Canada's USGS map equivalent) shows the delineations of public lands throughout Canada.
Yes, our Forest Series Satellite Imagery covers the entire world. Our International Series Maps have localized topo style basemaps for Canada, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. We're constantly building and updating our basemap library, so check back for international updates.
Unlike other map companies out there we give you two different options of aerial imagery so you can find the newest and best resolution for your area of interest. The imagery is constantly being updated when new photos are taken. Typically, most areas are within the past two years. You'll see the imagery you get right on screen with our Map Builder and see a proof right away to be able to check the quality.
Satellite Imagery
Our World Imagery layer utilizes 0.5m resolution imagery in the continental United States and parts of Western Europe from DigitalGlobe. The update schedule for any given location is random, so imagery dates may vary but is usally the newest and highest resolution.
Aerial Imagery
Our US imagery is is usually updated every 2-3 years for each state. Acquired from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP), this layer features high-resolution (1m or better) aerial imagery for the continental United States, made available by the USDA Farm Services Agency. Once updated by NAIP, it is integrated into our Forest Series maps immediately.
Google Imagery?
Unfortunately, Google does not license their imagery for purposes such as this. As such, we don't access our imagery from Google Earth, Google Maps or any other mobile platform you might use or see. Fortunately, we've sourced two other high quality aerial imagery variations to utilize.
Custom Imagery?
We may have options to look into a newer photo. Please email us and provide your property address and inquiry. Alternatively, share your proof using the link from the ‘Map Proof’ page after you have created your maps. Email to maps@kartamaps.com and describe your inquiry.
Not exactly. We're focused on keeping in analogue by providing our customers the most advanced, beautiful, and functional printed maps on the market. Our printed maps don't have batteries and they won't get broken if you draw on them or throw em around. In essence, we're keeping it old school in the modern age.
Avenza Maps App Integration
That said, we all love our mobile devices and our maps get generated as digital GEO PDF's ... meaning they’re georeferenced to their location on earth. With our Mobile Map option your customized map can be delivered as a link and imported into Avenza, a free GPS capable app that can show your GPS posiiton even when your phone is offline.
Yes, you can purchase e-gift cards here.
Yes, visit our map shop for a variety of pre designed maps and posters?
Free Shipping via UPS
Yes, you read it right. The price you see on the map builder is the price you pay. Who really likes to get to the cart and find added cost you didn't expect? That's why Karta ships all orders in the Continental United States for FREE via United Parcel Service (UPS) 3 Day Service. UPS usually gets it from our door to your location in 3 business days, although they will not guarantee it nor refund us for their delays. Unfortunately, due to high costs and taxes associated with international shipments to Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and the rest of the world we charge a decreased flat rate at checkout.
The all purpose and dry erase material variations will be rolled and shipped in a rigid tube so they won’t be crushed or damaged. Outdoor material maps will ship in an oversized poly mailer bag.
UPS has been know to lose or damage packages. If your map has not been delivered and seems to be lost, let us know. If it arrives and the package is damaged, please email complete pictures to maps@kartamaps.com . Make sure to keep your package and map the way you received it, as UPS will occasionally come to inspect the damage prior to a claim. Whether lost or damaged, we’ll get you a new one out ASAP!
Yes, once your package has shipped you will receive an email notification to the address you entered at checkout with tracking information.
We Send Order Receipts and Tracking emails on every order automatically to the email address entered at checkout. If you did not receive any notifications, check your spam or junk folder.
Our map builder and review process allows you to see exactly what your getting before you buy so we have confidence you'll be happy with your order. You also will have proofed and approved your order prior to ordering, ensuring you know what you’re getting. But we stand behind everything we make, so if your product isn't what you expected let us know and we'll do everything reasonably possible to make it right.
If you are an outdoor industry professional, outfitter, guide, SAR, club, or event organizer, you may be eligible to become a member of the Pro Program to receive exclusive discounts and promotions. Apply on our Pro Program page.
If you are active, reservist, veteran, or retired, you may be eligible to become to receive exclusive discounts and promotions. Apply on our Military Discount page.
Please contact maps@kartamaps.com
We will get back to you asap.
Map Creation
First off, our Map Builder is unlike anything found out there. Given that it is completely dynamic, you see your map features and selections update immediately on the screen as you make them. You can adjust and readjust a thousand times before buying. Our competitors claim to have a map builder, but yet require you to speculate about your area of interest by drawing standard boxes on generic interfaces with features you can't even get on your map. With us, its all right there on one dynamic interface.
More Basemap Options
We're continually building on our extensive libary of basemaps and feature sets. With others you'll have only one option of topo style basemaps or aerial imagery to choose from. With Karta, you have 15 basemaps to choose from! In addition to basemaps, our DIY feature overlays, integration and customization options are endless.
Worldwide Coverage
Beyond our extensive options for the US, we've integrated satellite imagery and topo basemap options for the entire world! That's right, you won't find that anywhere else.
Custom Features and Overlays
Our Map Builder lets you add and style labels, lines, markers, icons, navigational grids, acreage grids, scales and titles. Not to mention you bring in your own data. Not even an option with other companies out there. Why pay for a customized map thats not even customizable?!
Map Proofs
Once you've lined up your map just the way you like it, you can preview the exact final product within minutes! By selecting 'Review Map' on our Map Builder we start immediately building your map exactly to your specifications and boom a PDF proof is ready. You can download it to check quality, features, position, etc. Not what you were expecting ... close it up and return to the Map Builder to adjust. Repeat as many times as you like before hitting the checkout. The other guys don't show you what your really getting, charge you before you get a proof and then you have to wait a week for the proof to be emailed.
Turnaround Time
Since you know exactly what your getting when you order and your map has already been created, we can get to producing it. And unlike the other guys, we always ship Free 2-3 Day Shipping in the Continental US so you don't sit around for weeks wondering when it will show up. You'll have your map from us in the same time your just getting a proof from the other guys.
Our Map Builder has been designed to put you in control so we don't have to pay high priced cartographers to sit around all day waiting to build maps. The result, lower prices on your custom maps and higher focus on customer service. Compared to the other guys, our custom maps average 30-50% lower in price. Oh yeah, and don't forget about our always free shipping that they charge on top of map prices.
More options, Immediate proofs, fast turnaround, lowest prices and free shipping .... any other questions?